Great and useful post distinguishing among terms often used in the same paragraph, sometimes the same sentence, and in the most egregious cases, as adjacent adjectives in a description. As Post Agilist points out – they’re not the same, and they don’t reinforce the same idea.
Day to day – we focus on meeting obligations, getting things done. But sometimes – we are surprised, startled, frightened. Our minds race through possibilities,
The issues of proportional representation of women in the workplace — at senior levels of management, on the board, in equitable compensation — is an
Photo: Jim Reed, Scientific American, A CLIENT RECENTLY described to me the threat of pending retirements among his organization’s aging workforce as a “silver
Some of the most powerful tools and levers available to a leader seeking to shift organizational performance lie in changes s/he can initiate to the
Culture: Incredibly, critically and centrally important – and misunderstood, undervalued, and undermanaged. Findings from the Katzenbach Center… To address shortcomings and close the gaps: Focus
Specific activities and capabilities that #strategic #agile organizations demonstrate: 1. They scan their environment to identify both threats and opportunities. 2. They regularly engage